About us

As an organization carrying out forensic examinations, the initial model of the state non-profit organization “Expert Center of the Republic of Armenia” was formed in the middle of the last century, when the decree of the Government of the Soviet Republic of Armenia No. 149 dated April 25, 1959, a forensic research laboratory was organized at Yerevan State University, which, in addition to conducting research in the field of criminalistics and forensic examination was also to carry out forensic examinations:

Later, in 1966, the laboratory was subordinated to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia as a legal commission of the Council of Ministers of the Armenian SSR, and since 1971 – as a state institution “Scientific Research Laboratory of Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Armenian SSR:

By the decision of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia No. 534 of September 25, 1996, the Scientific research laboratory of forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia was rebuilt into the state institution “Expert Center of the Republic of Armenia”, and by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia No. 1933-N of November 23, 2002, the specified state institution was reorganized into the State Non-profit Organization “expert The Center of the Republic of Armenia”, which received state registration on January 7, 2003 and currently operates as:

Department of Handwriting and Documentary Examinations

Investigative Expertise Department

Department of Ballistic and Explosive Expertise

Department of Materials Science, Fire-technical and Electrical expertise

Department of Handwriting and Documentary rational Examination

Investigative Expertise Department

Department of Ballistic and Explosive Technical Expertise

Department of Materials Science, Fire-technical and Electrical expertise

The subject and objectives of our activities

The subject of the activity of the state non-profit organization “expert Center of the Republic of Armenia” is the implementation of research, scientific, technical, scientific and methodological work in the field of expertise:

The objectives of the activity of the state non-profit organization “Expert Center of the Republic of Armenia” are՝

development of experiments.
organization and execution of examinations, other research, scientific and technical, scientific and methodological works;
coordination of existing research methods, development of new ones, their testing and guarantee of use in order to ensure the methodological unity of forensic expert research;
retraining and improvement of specialists in the field of expertise, as well as confirmation of their qualifications in accordance with the established procedure:

Department of Biological and Narcotic Forensic Examinations

Video Recording and Computer-technical Expertise Department

Department of Construction and Technical Expertise

Department of Examination of road accidents

Department of Biological and Narcotic Forensic Examinations

Video Recording and Computer-technical Expertise Department

Department of Construction and Technical Expertise

Department of Examination of road accidents

Our Functions

The State non-profit organization “Expert Center of the Republic of Armenia”, in accordance with its subject and objectives, performs the following functions՝

carries out examinations on a contractual basis (both within the framework of criminal, administrative, civil proceedings, and other examinations), scientific, scientific and methodological research and scientific and technical work, organizing their implementation by its full-time and freelance employees, as well as, if necessary, on a contractual basis involving other specialists and (or) cooperating with other organizations;
coordinates the methodology of expert research, develops, tests and guarantees new methods for use;
carries out generalizations of expert practice and, based on them, develops methodological guidelines, submits proposals to the relevant organizations to eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of offenses;
organizes and provides methodological and practical assistance on examination issues, provides methodological explanations on them and provides advice;
prepares, publishes and implements textbooks, reference books, monographs, collections and other works related to expertise;
develops programs for the prospective development of expertise and submits them to the state administration body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia;
in accordance with the established procedure, carries out retraining and improvement of specialists in the field of forensic examination, certification of their qualifications;
establishes bilateral and multilateral direct relations with relevant international and foreign organizations and specialists of the Republic of Armenia, carries out joint events, organizes forums, scientific consultations, seminars, participates in similar events organized by other organizations, together with them carries out mutual training of specialists and exchanges experience.
carries out activities aimed at meeting the social and household needs of its employees;
performs other functions stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia and the Charter of the Center:

The Center as an entrepreneurial activity carries out՝

research and development in the field of natural, technical, social and humanitarian sciences, as well as technology;
technical tests and research:
activities in the field of accounting and auditing.
provision of services related to the subject of the center’s activities;
publishing business.rental of property;
organization of courses on retraining and improvement of specialists in the field of expertise on an additional professional educational program;
valuation of immovable and movable property:

Department of Economic Expertise

The Department of Expertise in commodity science and real estate valuation

Department of Economic Expertise

The Department of Expertise in commodity science and real estate valuation