Head of Division: Tigran Kuyumjyan
Born on 12 June 1980
2001 — Bachelor’s Program of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the State Engineering University of Armenia, majoring in “Mechanical Engineering Technology”.
2007 — Master’s Program of the same Faculty, majoring in “Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science”, Master’s Degree in Engineering.
Work experience:
2004 — Expert and later, starting from 2007, Senior Expert at the Division for Traceological Expert Examinations of the “Expertise Center of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia” State Non-Commercial Organisation.
Since 2023 — Head of the Division for Traceological Expert Examinations of the “Expertise Center of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia” State Non-Commercial Organisation.
In the course of activities for expert examination, he has been awarded a number of certificates of appreciation, awards, and has participated in conferences and has competences to conduct forensic-traceological expert examinations.
Married with three children.
Types and subtypes of examinations carried out
06 Etymological, including:
06-01 traces left by man,
06-02 objects, tools, traces left by them,
06-03 traces left by vehicles,
06-04 cold weapons.
07-03 establishment of previously applied markings on cars, firearms, objects, equipment.
Directions of expert research of the Department of tracological examinations
A Postpartum Examination
Research Objects
- human traces (hands, gloves, legs, shoes, teeth, lips, blood, etc.)
- objects, objects, tools, mechanisms and traces left behind,
- traces of animals (ribbons, blades, paws, etc.),
- traces of transportation (TMs), (After students respond, write the following principle on the board: Injuries to TMs, barriers, road covering, victims’ clothes, TM-stripped, broken parts and pieces of them, etc.)
- shuttering and storage devices (seals, plumbing, etc.),
- label markers (pumping, engine identification numbers),
- cold stringed and throwing weapons, as well as structural items and objects
The Problems of Research
- the identification of a traceable object,
- the restoration of the whole thing in sections —
Diagnostic (conditional)
- the determination of mechanisms, conditions, sequence, early (relative), traceable objects (human) characteristics,
- determination and method of preparation for the cold-armed and arrow weapons, as well as the class of cold weapons and objects that resemble them in structure,
- the determination of the purpose of nodes, ring species and applications,
- the method, source and earliest (relative) decision of mass production products,
- shuttering and testing devices ( seals, plumbing, signaling devices, security devices), the way they open after the last shutdown, the presence or absence of foreign objects on their mechanisms;
- the decision of the TRIPs mechanism,
- traces of interactions on the surface of transportation and victims’ clothes during the landslide,
- Depending on the nature of the injuries of individuals in the transportation hall during the TRIPS, the decision to locate them (the problem is solved in a logical way, medical, automotive, painting, and fiber criminal examinations),
- During the TRIPS, the determination of the mutual position of the vehicle and the pedestrian (the problem is solved in the logical, medical, automotive, painting, and fiber criminal examinations),
- During the TRIPS, the decision to locate, produce, premature (relative) injuries caused by transportation touching each other,
- a change in tattooed symbols, the clarification of the return
A list of problems solved by a postological examination is broader than the above, and the initiator may pose other problems if necessary.